Rook control for wheat, barley, oilseed rape - OSR, peas, beans, cabbage, lettuce, strawberries, grape, barasicas.
Peregrine TM Pro Hawk Kites
Farming, Fisheries & Bird Control
The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite is used extensively for protecting lakes of fish and for farming purposes. The kite is a very cost effective way of covering a large area. It is used by many fish protection agencies as well by agriculture farmers throughout the U.K., Europe and North America, scaring birds away.
The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite cares off pigeons and other birds from crops both day and night. The kite mimics a Peregrine Falcon of which Pigeons and other birds are terrified. Constantly altering its flight pattern, swooping up and down, Pigeons never become accustomed to the movements, even over time.
Peregrine TM Hawk Kites are easy to install and move as needed. They are environmentally friendly and do not disturb neighbours as they were designed to be quiet. It is highly effective for coverage of oil seed rape, brassicas, fruit orchards, seeded areas and lakes with fish.
Using a Peregrine TM Hawk Kite helps prevent crop destruction from birds and increases margin yield and profits.

“Doing a grand job on seagulls, we are very pleased. Working very well, works a treat!”.
John French – Hawk Kite & 13m Pole
Click here to read advantagesof the Peregrine Hawk Kite.
Hawk Kite Area Bird Control Coverage
Listed in the tables below are the areas that one 13 Metre Peregrine TM Hawk Kite Combination set and One 7 Metre Peregrine TM Hawk Kite Combination set will each cover. Area coverage will go up it two or more sets are used together in a figure 8 pattern.
Below these two Peregrine TM Hawk Kite tables is a another table showing the area coverage of one Helikite. If more area to be covered is needed, a helikite might be the solution for you. Please note that Helikites need helium and are mostly used by farms and landfill sites. The combination of a hawk kite and helikite is very effective for farm and landfill use. Helikites are available through Bird Control Systems Ltd. and it's distributers
The higher up in the air the kite or helikite is, the better coverage it has. 7 Metre Hawk Combinations fly 12 metres (40ft) in the air, 13 metre hawk kite combinations fly 25 metres (82 ft) in the air. Helikites fly 60 metres (196ft) in the air.
6 metre glass fibre poles need to be replaced periodically if used constantly year round with heavy use. 13 metre poles are made of aluminium and last for many years.
Area Covered By One 13 Metre Peregrine Hawk Kite
Crop / Use
Acres by one
Hawk Kite
Type of Bird
Use / Crop
Acres by one Hawk Kite
Type of Bird
Rooks / Crows
Emerging Cereals 7.5
Laid Cereals 7.5
Landfill Sites .5 - 3
Farm Buildings 2.5
Pig / Cattle Unites 1 - 2.5
Drilled Maize 5 - 7.5
Strawberries 5
Wood Pigeons
Emerging Cereals 10 - 12.5
Oilseed Rape 10 - 12.5
Peas 10
Young Cabbages 7.5
Beans 7.5
Laid Cereals 7.5 - 10
Drilled Maze 7.5 - 10
Cherries / Fruit Crop 2.5
Strawberries 3.5
Farm Buildings .5 - 2.5
Cattle Units .5 - 1.5
Small Birds
Grapes/Bush Crops 1.5 - 2.5
Strawberries 1.5 - 2.5
Fish Farms 5
Rivers 200 Metres
Local Geese
Oilseed-Rape 12.5
Grass/ Cereals 10
Fruit Farms 2.5
Rice 5
Landfill Sites .5 - 3
Building Sites 1
Migratory Geese
Grass / Cereals 15 - 25
Woodland Edge .5 - 2.5
U.K. Herons
Fish Farms 5
Area Covered By One 7 Metre Peregrine Hawk Kite
Crop / Use
Acres by one
Hawk Kite
Type of Bird
Use / Crop
Acres by one Hawk Kite
Type of Bird
Rooks / Crows
Emerging Cereals 3.5 -4
Laid Cereals 3.5 -4
Landfill Sites .25 - 1.5
Farm Buildings 1.25
Pig / Cattle Unites .5 - 1.25
Drilled Maize 2.5 - 3.75
Strawberries 2.55
Wood Pigeons
Emerging Cereals 5 - 6.25
Oilseed Rape 5 - 6.25
Peas 5
Young Cabbages 3.75
Beans 3.75
Laid Cereals 3.75 - 5
Drilled Maze 3.75 - 5
Cherries / Fruit Crop 1.25
Strawberries 1.57
Farm Buildings .25 - 1.25
Cattle Units .25 - .75
Small Birds
Grapes/Bush Crops .75 - 1.25
Strawberries .75 - 1.25
Fish Farms 2.5
Rivers 100 Metres
Local Geese
Oilseed-Rape 6.25
Grass/ Cereals 5
Fruit Farms 1.25
Rice 2.5
Landfill Sites .25 - 1.5
Building Sites .5
Migratory Geese
Grass / Cereals 7.5 - 12.5
Woodland Edge .25 - 1.25
U.K. Herons
Fish Farms 2.5
Area Covered By One Helikite
(for those needing more coverage, sold through Bird Control Systems LTD -Helikites need helium).
Crop / Use
Acres by one
Hawk Kite
Type of Bird
Use / Crop
Acres by one Hawk Kite
Type of Bird
Rooks / Crows
Emerging Cereals 15
Laid Cereals 15
Landfill Sites 1 - 6
Farm Buildings 5
Pig / Cattle Unites 2 - 5
Drilled Maize 10 - 15
Strawberries 10
Wood Pigeons
Emerging Cereals 20 - 25
Oilseed Rape 20 - 25
Peas 20
Young Cabbages 15
Beans 15
Laid Cereals 15 - 25
Drilled Maze 15 - 20
Cherries / Fruit Crop 5
Strawberries 7
Farm Buildings 1 - 5
Cattle Units 1 - 3
Small Birds
Grapes/Bush Crops 3 - 5
Strawberries 3 - 5
Fish Farms 10
Rivers 400 Metres
Local Geese
Oilseed-Rape 25
Grass/ Cereals 20
Fruit Farms 5
Rice 10
Landfill Sites 1 - 6
Building Sites 2
Migratory Geese
Grass / Cereals 30 - 50
Woodland Edge 1 - 5
U.K. Herons
Fish Farms 10
A single Hawk Kite coverage in a field.
The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite in flight.
For more information on Helikites, click on the helikite image. A favorite of farms and landfill sites.
This image is of a typical figure 8 pattern (two hawk kites) that farmers use for more than one hawk kite (or helikite). This extends the coverage, birds are afraid of going between the hawk kites. It is an effective way of implementing bird control.
Two figure 8 patterns (four hawk kites) that farmers use for more coverage. This extends the coverage, birds are afraid of going between the hawk kites.
Hawk Kite in flight.
Lightweight Helikite in flight.

Peregrine TM Hawk Kite on a farm in flight. Crop Protection.
Effective for Pigeons, Rooks and Crows
Oilseed Rape OSR
Helikites used for bird control to protect crops.
The Peregrine TM Hawk Kite is the most effective universal Bird Scaring Product available.
No hidden costs. £10.50 shipping to most of U.K.