Agriculture bird control products were developed in collaboration with ornithologists.

Bird Proofing from unwanted birds. A cost effective way of protecting crops from unwanted birds.

Unusable apples that have been damaged by birds. Costs involved can be substantial. For more information on crop protection visit peregrinehawkkites.com

Agriculture bird control products were developed in collaboration with ornithologists.
Get Rid of Birds From Crops
Birds typically eat their body weight in food every day. Unfortunately, bird pecks also damage the appearance of fruit and allow mold, yeast, bacteria and insects to cause secondary spoilage. Bird Control Systems Ltd. agriculture bird control products were developed in collaboration with ornithologist Sandy Allsopp of the U.K. These products are used for agriculture and horticulture throughout the U.K, Europe and North America. The Vigilante Helikite, Lightweight Helikite and Peregrine Hawk Kite can be seen throughout these areas protecting crops and farmland from unwanted birds, protecting crops.